Vulispa Abyss

Raen - 29 - Pansexual - Poly - Malboro - AetherSensitive - Owner of The Honest Gillionaire - Empress in Waiting


  • Vulispa's scales will appear like an average raen to most if she is in a new environment or visiting the East but if she removes the glamour the hides her scales see below

  • Vulispa's scales gleam a brilliant white with a iridescent blue shine to them. When moonlight hits her scales they emit a soft glow.

  • Her eyes are a deep red with scarlet umbral rings that will glow when her emotions are high or using her aether

  • Her hair is snow white and in certain lights light blue highlights can be seen. She keeps this unruly mop in a loose plait for the most part.

  • Vulispa's busy active lifestyle has given her a lean shapely body, her tail in long for her size, the tip of it often trailing the ground behind her if she does not hold it up.

  • She is a tiny Au'ra standing at only 4ft 8" but she will tell you she is about 5ft if asked

  • She has a small tattoo on her right wrist of a crescent moon, this tattoo is an aether mark on her soul.

Mare Sync Code available on request! - DM me on Discord

(Well Done you have found the lore that not is even known to Vulispa herself. This is written to be crystallised memory left behind by Vulispa's father, she does not know of its existence. Also beware Endwalker Spoilers are here, complete your msq!)

I do not know how much longer I have, I leave these memories in the hopes that my dearest Vulispa will one day find them. So she can learn who she truly is where she came from, to know the true extent of what she could be.


So, the beginning, this world, the people refer to it as Hydaelyn in this age but its true name is Etheirys. However, we, our souls we were not of this world, we came from another beautiful world, we called it Mirthal. Four moons shown, cascading our skies in light, we were it’s guardians, using what this world calls aether to shape and nurture it, for our souls were immortal as were our bodies.


In our want to elevate ourselves and nurture our garden more efficiently we shed our bodies. We fortified our souls to exist and manipulate aether at will but in doing this we set down the path of our doom. In our over sight to care for our world, to truly be the gods our creations started to revere us as, we lost the ability to bring new souls of kind into the world. As if in our blasphemy what this world calls the aethereal sea would no longer bless us.Still for a time we were content in our creating of paradise, possessing those we created if we wished to feel our world, for in leaving our bodies, we too lost that ability. It was this not feeling that many of us began to feel apathy of our world.

The Fall

Resentment for our creations soon spread among many of us, for they could do what we could not. We also began to realise they did not need us, as the more intelligent among them began to notice our interventions and resent them. It was then a creature from another world came to us, and she seemed to be able manipulate our creations further, turn them against us. She showed us how in our possessing of beings we were stealing that being’s life.It was then the split happened, many of our number wished no longer to exist, to let the aethereal sea reclaim us. We realised that this creature, subtle in her manipulations was using a different kind of energy but because of what we were she could not alter our forms. Thus majority of our kind set upon its own destruction, but in doing so began to destroy the world we had lovingly curated.

**Escape **

Those of us who still held the will to live, to continue knew that our beautiful Mirthal was lost to us, we could not create at the same rate they destroyed. Thus we used all or strength to treverse the stars, with no corporeal form, we used our sun’s last dying light to move across the universe, we sort a new home. That is when we found Etheirys, a strange world enshrouded by an immense amount of aether we figured it would be perfect, immune to strange creature who had orchestrated the destruction of our Mirthal.

A New Beginning

Etheirys was a strange world, the land seems flooded by wind natured aether, its lands left desolated by the phenonium. We found the imbalance of power unsettling and strange, especially when we inspected the beings of the world, while they clearly had some ability to interact with aether it was as if they were not whole. We worried that they would fall to the same fate as our creations but it seemed Etheirys had its own guardians. This time would become known by the scholars of present as the 1st Umbral Era.We soon felt the presence of other beings that matched our power and thus we decided it was time to take form and be content to live as corporeal beings once more. While the idea of stealing another’s life now brought despair among us, we made a vow to let this be the last and thus we sort out suitable hosts.

A new life, a second chance

By chance we happened upon a clan of Au’ra, an interesting being, soft skin, mixed with scales, this settlement seemed to have been devastated by the natural disasters and now were on brink of death, hunger and disease rampant among their forms. As they died we used the last of our strength to keep their bodies alive as their souls left them to return to the cycle of rebirth that we had denied ourselves for so long.Once their vessels were empty, we took their form and something strange happened, we used our strength to heal the bodies but when our souls took hold their scales, which had been a dull off white turned brilliant white and shown with the blue iridescence of our moons of Mirthal. We wept in joy for we remembered in that instance that our old forms had scales such as these. Even as Etheirys’s strange moon shed its light and our scales glowed like in days long gone. We felt as if we had been given a reprieve for our mistakes, given this small mercy to be as we once were.

We live and we watch

Thus, we started our lives, rebuilt and enjoyed our new humble state. We regained much of our strength from traveling across the stars but we resolved that we should never repeat our mistakes. We enjoyed the company of each other, to feel the world around us with our own bodies now. We did not age, but we walked the earth as if we were mortal. Nomadic as we were, we walked this strange new world and while it was not ours to protect, we still would act if we saw injustice.Over the years we saw the world transform, and fall to ruin many times, an endless cycle we could only watch and protect those we could. All the while we found the aether of this world strange, marking their eras with the cataclysmic flooding of one aspect of aether that would bring on natural disasters. For the most part we let their higher powers that sought to hold power over this world play their games and we were content to live and protect those who wished to do the same. Yet still the people of this world came up with their own stories for presence, I believe the most recent are that we Raen kissed by the moon.


We as a people did as we had vowed, we lived, we loved and some of us when we were done returned to the aethereal sea. Our children were mortal, their scales were beautiful but they did not shine like ours, still we were happy to watch our children grow and live their own lives. However it seemed fate had truly forgiven us for every few generations a miracle would occur.The sea would allow one of own to return to the world, born in the form of a raen but with the scales of our beloved Mirthal and the gifts to shape the world with aether. We would have them live a mortal life, among our kin, but as they grew to the point they noticed their bodies would not age we would show them who they were, and start to show them how to control and rebalance the world around them like we had done for centuries. It is one of these miracles that you are Vulispa, and unlike me you are a child of this world, not a refugee like most of your kin.


It was during an era they called the 6th astral era, it seems this world was bent on its own destruction as a new power was arising. We braced ourselves to help those like us were unconcerned with world powers and just wished to live. This time it was starting in the northern regions of Ilsabard. We began moving our clan ready to help, but it seems our luck had changed. One of number was caught and taken prisoner. This was nothing new, we had dealt such things before, if our kin’s time to return to the sea had come, we would mourn their loss or rejoice when they returned to us.However, these beings had no ability to manipulate corporeal aether, and it seemed our unique ability that lay latent in our souls to exist without a body came to their attention. We were then slowly hunted over the years, too late did we realise the true threat they posed to us.

The Fall

It seems this world was doomed to another calamity, the false moon that held one of the atrocities of previous empire fell and the world seemed to fall to stagnation, but the strangest phenomenon occurred. We who are fortified against influence felt its' pull but the memories of the battles and events seem to disappear, wiped away by the summoning of those sent to protect Etheirys from this calamity.Alas while Etheirys seem to stagger at losing knowledge of these years, the new power, headed by a being equal to our own as we found out. One we knew to be called an Ascian. We had encountered their like over the eras and avoided for we could not figure out their motives, they talked of saving the world but seemed bent on its destruction.

Soul Extraction

Over the years a few of our kin had fallen to their science, but it seemed after the fall of the false moon their hunt for our kind was given more credence. 'Soul Extraction' was the words they used, they seemed to have developed their machines to allow them to impart our ability to possess another being on another subject, but in doing so destroy our very being in the process. I have watched my kin one by one be taken for their experiments, as their reach over the world increased, we secluded from the world into hiding.Aulus mal Asina is the current head of this project, I hope they never find you and Eorzea can protect you while you grow from this damned being.


I was with the main clan when they attacked, your mother was pregnant with you and I could sense you were of Mirthal, a miracle I hoped to help us in this time of desperation but you needed time, time to grow.I used all my strength to teleport your mother to Eorzea, to the shores of Vylbrand where we had spent many years together in calmer times. Your mother was of our clan but mortal, beautiful and fierce I hope she and you make a new life in the lands that seem resilient to this power.I was caught and learned quickly why my brethren could not resist these beings. They had shackles that blocked our ability to connect to the world’s aether. I had not felt despair like this since we were left Mirthal behind for us to be become so disconnected is a barbaric thing. My only light to lift my soul was the thought of you and your mother being safe.I hope you never experience this, to be one of us and lose such a connection to the world around us, but lamenting on my despair is not why I use all I have to leave these memories to you

I am close to death Vulispa, know that I would have loved to have walked this world with you, to teach you how to use your gifts. But I know my time is coming, I just hope that one day you find these memories and can forgive an old soul who has seen too much.


The Lore You Should Already Know

The Raen are said to be children of the Dawn Father Azim, the sun god of Auri creation
Their hardened skin and scaled tails, too, distinguish them clearly from other races. The ancestors of the Raen believed their veins to run thick with the blood of Azim—their brilliant white scales and iron wills serving as proof of this divine lineage.

A Child of the Dawn kissed by the Moon

The Legend of Raen kissed by the Moon is told to children of Hingashi. A Mystical Clan of powerful Raen who appear in times of great need to help those in trouble and then disappear again when their job is done. They were said to be great warriors steeped in magic, descendants of the Dawn Father and the Moon. Xaela Tribes have often rejected this folklore as it implies a raen is a child of Nhaama the Dusk MotherTheir magic always brought balance back to the Hydaelyn, bless with the power sense the ebb and flow of life around them and their innate ability to correct imbalances of the star. They were said to immune to forces that tried to corrupt this starTheir scales were said to glow in the moonlight which led to term 'Kissed by the Moon', brilliant white with tints of blue, resembling the said moon they are said to be descended from.The Clan was nomadic, appearing here and there from the Eorzea to the far East. When the Empire started invading its neighbours this clan seemed to disappear overnight and have never been seen since.

A Bit of History - Public Records

  • Vulispa grew up on the streets of Limsa, having been orphaned at a young age. The local authorities tried putting her homes but she never stayed for long.

  • At 13 she tried to pickpocket a member of the Arcanist Guild, despite being put on her ass by gust from the Carbuncle, turned out to be the best decision. She was taken in by the Arcanist guild where she discovered her love for knowledge and learning.

  • She was trained A Scholar, one of the youngest to be accepted to learn the ways of Nym, her thirst for reading and knowledge not withstanding she was deemed a prodigy in healing type magicks.

  • At 18 however the life she built for herself was turned upside down, she was declared KIA after an assignment went wrong Sahigan Territory in

  • At 23 Vulispa re-joined the world of Eorzea with the Miqo'te Angela in tow, diving head first back into her adventuring career as a combat healer.

  • Notably She served as a Combat medic at Ghimlyt Dark for the Eorzean Alliance.

  • After Running the Ruby Lounge for a couple of years Vulispa has decided to take a step back from beloved venue she and her friend started. Signing over the deeds to Angela she now sets forth on the next chapter of her life

  • Vulispa now runs and owns half of The Honest Gillionaire with the Mooncrests.

  • She became a Master Arcanist with Limsa Lominsain Arcanum Guild and last year published a paper on the generic summoning script of her new healing support familiar.

  • Matriarch and Founder of Clan Abyss. A family that now owns quite the wealth of businesses and philanthropic ventures

Info broker wanting to learn more about this elusive academic? I will invite you to role d20 and extra info can be dug up based on result can be dug up.

Those Who She Treasures above all else

Clan Abyss

  • Alyra Abyss

  • Kosmos Abyss

  • Bazj Abyss

  • Marni Abyss (Adopted Daughter)

  • Cael Abyss

  • Reverie Abyss

The Mooncrests

  • Cirissa Mooncrest

  • Vyce Mooncrest

  • Vyssa Mooncrest (Gods Daughter)

  • Reidar Tyderunner

The Mates

  • Vincenzo "Vin" Laguardia

  • Alyra Abyss


  • Wynter Valen

Trusted Friends

  • Jinro Oja

  • Geir Stjarnawesfv

  • Sigard Raider


  • Leocaux Vivoganc "Doc"

Connections made along the journey


  • Amaris Sullivan

  • Toffee Wind

  • Loija Rehw-nong

  • Lotte Sunthistle

  • Illyia Vonawesomsauce

  • Esmena Nenda

  • Reynir Hjorth

  • Jessamine Vilauclaire


  • Cayden Shadowstepp

  • Edward Dorian

  • Myro Oja

  • Soren Anamchara

  • Gae'briel Neldawn

  • Baudrillard Ricoeur

  • Katla Eryut

  • Aya Bara

  • Juliasra Hana

  • Argas Ura

  • General Fang

  • Chroma Luma

  • Krassus Ever-wander


  • The Honest Gillionaire

  • Clan LaGuardia

  • Mooncrest Holdings

  • Oja Kai

  • Flirt

  • Honey Bee Venues

Past Affiliations

  • The Ruby Lounge

  • The Jade Dragon

  • The Sapphire Syndicate

  • The Royal Chambers

  • Cuddle Den


  • Uriel Valentine

  • Angela Furkeen

  • Farrow, Niyna, Jacob


  • Barumi Saito (deceased)

  • Kurayami Saito

RP Hooks

Hooks anyone can use

  • Books - stories, interesting facts, new things. Although with eidetic memory Vulispa doesn't actually need to keep her books once read, instead they just get added her horde.

  • Aether - Vulispa has large extremely neutral and balanced aether pool, anyone with aethersight would see this, her aether pool is far beyond the average Eorzean (like that an un-sundered) - She herself is natuallly attracted to those with interesting aether composition.

  • Arcaneum - Vulispa has studied many forms and practices of aether manipulation, but her base of her magicks and prefered method is arcaneum. She has a vast knowledge of symbols of power. She is a Master Arcanist of the Limsa Lominsa Arcaneum guild.

  • Healing - magic healing and physical healing techniques, bonus points for blend of the two.

  • Food - she loves cooking and baking, massive foodie, loves trying new food

  • Dancing and Singing -however she can be super self conscious about singing in front of others

  • Venue owning/business owning - After Running the ruby lounge, now The Honest Gillionaire and major investor in Honey Bee Venues, she has become an experienced business owner and happily talks about her time running it.

  • General buffoonery - she is goofy and loves making mischief - prone to dancing in just thigh boots and a costume namazu head - warning she is a complete wind up merchant.

  • Philanthropy - Vulispa as amassed quite the fortune and donates a good portion of it to state funded programs such as orphanages. Got a scheme to help the community, especially in Vylbrand, Vulispa can be silent investor or full on patron.

  • Matriarch - Vulispa has become the unwitting Matriarch of a clan she founded. Turns out it you heal and feed people, they tend not leave.

Hooks that require OOC premission

  • Blind Forgeries - Vulispa runs a very secretive forgery business, she only accepts her clients after a lot of scrutiny, she specialises in setting up people with new identities within Eorzea. - Note she uses a dear friend of hers Kosmos as the face of this business and only rarely meets her cilents.

  • Not a Raen - Vulispa is actually a descendent of race of souls from another world, this accounts for her strange aether signature and her uncommon adaptability to manipulate her corporeal aether- Vulispa herself believes she is a raen with just a talent for aetherlogy and strange scales

  • Soul Aether - Vulispa has stumbled on to manipulating one's soul aether, either way she has an uncommon knowledge of it, helped by her 6th sense to feel aether around her, it is not aethersight but she will often let people assume it is if she mentions her uncommon ability to detect aether.

  • Hingashi proper - Vulispa will casually mention sometimes she spent time out east or lived in Hingashi, she lets people incorrectly assume she means the foreigner's district. However if she does speak Hingan it is with the mannerism and dialect of someone who learned the language on the main island of Koshu, which is in direct contradiction as she is Eorzean and no Eorzean can live outside of the foreigner's Housing district of Shirogane.

  • The Price of Freedom - Vulispa killed her past, quite literately. Vulispa has bribed, destroyed and killed records to her past. However the Burning down of the Saito Estate is a great Mystery of Hingashi, The up and coming Bugyo suddenly perishing along with his famed weapon. No one is sure how the fire started or why no one escaped the blaze.

  • Empress In Waiting - Vulispa is engaged to her mate and long time Friend Vincenzo, although this now comes with a new job title. Vulispa is becoming an Empress Consort to a ruling Empire in another universe. She walks two worlds, although she doesn't openly advertise the title while on Eythris its also not some big secret. Perhaps you can relate to the stresses of being responsible for an entire nation?

OOC Stuff

My RP style is paragraph length but i adjust to whomever I am rping with, I rp in game and on discordI am open to all styles of (E)RP however- DO NOT MIX RP AND REAL LIFEI am happy to make OOC fronds but I am a happily married woman irl.
Also if you just want some erp without the prelude of actually getting to know her she sells those services at The Honest Gillionaire
Also please note Vulispa's back story contains dark/mature subjects that some might find triggering
Also Vulispa's attitude and opinions may not reflect my own - if in doubt send me a message on discordI am also a Gpose addict so I offer photoshoot services that can be bought via my private discord server (link below)I live in GMT Timezone and only stay up late Wednesdays, Fridays and SaturdaysFeel Free to contact me on discord blissfulbanana

Art of Vulispa - by Various wonderful artists


-emotes are available to discord nitro users in my discord server



Toru - Greystonetears


HallowRook - Evancat
Art / Emotes
-emotes are available to discord nitro users in my discord server

-emotes are available to discord nitro users in my discord server



My IRL (no art handle) Hubby

Fauvora - Faces of Erozea

shattered pheonix
-emotes are available to discord nitro users in my discord server

-emotes are available to discord nitro users in my discord server

Emotes and art
-emotes are available to discord nitro users in my discord server